South Side Family Session

Maui is so much more than just beaches and waterfalls which is what comes to mind the most when thinking of a tropical destination. Along with those mental views comes the sunny warm weather - well this family session was rescheduled several times due to our unpredictable tropical weather. Hey rain hey ! When we were finally blessed for a gorgeous day the location chosen + all beaches lining it were packed ! We’re talking cars lined up along the main road to each south side beach with not even enough room to weave through the crowds on the sand. It was a bit alarming especially considering still being in a pandemic but it seemed like the entire island also thought it was a great beach day ! With the fear of having to reschedule again we jumped into our cars and just drove until it wasn’t such a sea of people/vehicles. We ended up finding a little stretch of tide pools with only two other cars nearby. Life is funny where it turned out the one spot within miles of driving also happened to be a place the family goes on night adventures at to crab hunt. Though we didn’t have the palm tree ocean background originally planned we were able to create some magic somewhere dear to the family which made for such a special session.

Gaylin Howbert