A West Maui Family Session
Coming to Hawaii is such a special experience where so many beautiful memories are created. What is really special is when couples who have ventured to the islands before return but this time for the first time as a family.
Though as adults we are able to see the beauty of the island it really is something to re-see through the eyes of a child. Everything is wonderful to them from a tiny shell in the sand to a vibrant rainbow in the mountains. It reignites a fire to truly cherish the beauty that surrounds us.
This sweet family visiting from Northern California brought their littles to the island for the first time where they were able to experience the yummy treats found on island as well as see the sea turtles that their daughter was eager to spot. During their session we also had was is seen on our license plates here which was a gorgeous rainbow that had one end land right where our cars were parked ( no pot of gold but still an amazing sight ). As common in the tropics we also had a bit of rain during our session but this sweet family still shined brightly and fun memories were made x