Fun Family Friendly Activities in Maui Hawaii

It’s decided - your family is taking a vacation to Maui, Hawaii !

Whether this is a bucket list dream get away or a yearly trip vacationing here to Maui is something that brings joy for everyone. If you have yet to travel to the island before it can be a bit overwhelming planning what to see in the time you have here. The purpose of this post is to help make planning a bit easier and spark some ideas of what to check out while you are in Maui . Let’s dive in !


Hana is the rain forest side of the island. Whether you are staying in Kaanapali or Wailea if you want to see waterfalls during your visit you are going to need to take a scenic drive over to Hana. A big tip to keep in mind is that Hana normally is an all day adventure. You’ll want to make sure to set aside the time without feeling rushed when you visit Hana for the following reasons :

  • It is a one lane highway the entire way. The speed limit on the road is not a fast one but it’s pretty common to be trailing behind cars that are going slow so do not expect this to be an in and out drive. ** Big helpful piece of advice is that the residents of Hana have to take the highway to go to work, go to the store, run errands, etc. With what a popular sight seeing town Hana is imagine being back home and having thousands of people on the road you need to take to do your scheduled activities on the daily - The locals are very kind but please be respectful and if you see one behind you pull over to let them pass.

  • There are no big flashing signs that say , “ STOP HERE TO SEE ‘X’ ”. There are some road signs and many painted signs that will point out attractions but all things to see are going to be off to the side of the road along the way. You’ll want to make sure you do not pass what there is to see when you’re on the road since turning around is not an easy thing to do. SUPER IMPORTANT you will see waterfalls along the drive. DO NOT STOP. Not only does it impede traffic BUT you can get a ticket since people stopping on one way bridges blocking traffic has been a huge problem for the local community where now tickets are given for being parked/stopped anywhere along the highway that does not have official parking. I will go over where you can stop, rest, play, and hang out at some waterfalls that will allow you to live your best waterfall experiences in this post.

  • It’s a rainforest ! Not many of us can say our home has a rainforest area. This is a beautiful place that you will want to be able to cherish your time at so take it slow and don’t rush the experience.

When going to Hana it is best to leave with an early start to begin this trip. Living on the West Side of the island ( Lahaina,Kaanapali area ) it’s best to leave around 6AM to begin the drive. This gets us to that side of the island before too many cars are on the road and if we go all the way to the beginning of the back highway past the town Hana with stops along the way we are normally back home around 5PM. Again ALL DAY activity ( you can break it down and make it shorter but really enjoy your time here ). Before you begin your trip make sure everyone has used the restroom, you have a few changes of clothes ( swimsuits included if you plan to take a dip in a waterfall ), GOOD COMFORTABLE WATER SHOES OR WALKING SHOES ( with some “slippers” aka sandals to change into after ) , any medicine for motion sickness for those who need it ( there are a lot of turns/curves on this drive ) , CASH since not everywhere takes card, and water/snacks. Super important on the snacks you are going to want those. Now that you are all prepped for what to do/what you need let’s get into what there is to see !

Twin Falls Maui

twin falls

aka where you go if you want to be able to see + swim in waterfalls while here on Maui

OPEN FROM 8:00AM - 3:30PM everyday

Twin Falls Hana

Twin Falls is THE place to go if you want to spend time checking out waterfalls. It is also the stop you should make if you have a family member who does not enjoy long rides but still wants to see the rainforest side of Maui. This location is at the beginning of the Road to Hana highway. The area is run by a farm who offer guided tours of the property + have some snacks/coconuts for sale if you need a refresher. Parking here is limited and not free. Bring cash ( parking last was $10 unless you have a Hawaii state ID ) to pay for parking. This is a spot you will want to have on your water shoes/walking shoes that you are okay with getting wet, swimsuit on, some water/snacks on hand, and some bug spray (mosquitos are present here ). Plan to spend anywhere from 40 minutes - 2 hours here depending on how much you want to explore the property or hang out in the pools. There are waterfalls located with clearly marked paths right at the beginning of the entrance and the tallest waterfall known as, “ cave man “, is located at the end of the property of what is open to the public.

safety tip to keep in mind : If we have had heavy rain during your visit where the water is gushing or brown do not get in. Just enjoy the views from the above pathways.

Back on the road here are a few other areas to check out :

  • Garden of Eden : If you are a plant lover you’ll really LOVE this stop. There is also a view of a beautiful hidden waterfall from this location though it is one for just taking a peek at not swimming in.

  • Pua’a Kaa State Wayside Park : Bathrooms. If you are a parent that’s important to list. There is also parking to check out some small waterfalls that you can see/swim in. They will not be large like Twin Falls but they are still a fun time and easy to access.

  • Pipiwai Trail : Located in the Hana side of Haleakala National Park is a hiking trail that takes you through a bamboo forest up to a gorgeous tall waterfall. I would only recommend this if you have kids that are used to hiking. Wear comfortable hiking shoes and dress for a tropical humid client. Please note for safety when you reach the waterfall it is for looking at and not for standing under.

  • Jaws Country Store : Located at the beginning of the road you can stop on your way into or out of Hana for some delicious cooked food and a bathroom break.

Aunty Sandy’s

BEST banana bread on Maui ( as well as other AMAZING food )

OPEN 8:30AM - 2:30PM every day

THIS alone is worth the drive on the Hana highway. If you want warm fresh baked HANDS DOWN best banana bread in Hawaii go here. If you also love smoothies, good chili hot dogs , and other yummy lunch food GO HERE. There is also a beautiful lookout area about a minute before Sandy’s. After you grab a bite to eat continue down the road to another lookout where you can see some amazing waves crashing into the lava rocks. A very picture perfect area though be aware of your surroundings and be sure to stay out of the ocean.

* There are also restrooms in this area.

black sand beach maui

Waianapanapa state park

AKA Black Sand Beach

Open 7:00AM - 6:00PM daily

*** unless you are on a guided tour you need reservations to visit here

A must see ! If you have heard of Hawaii’s famous black sand beaches this one of them. This park is a very popular sight to check out but 100% worth the stop. Due to it’s popularity after 2020 a reservation system was put into place where unless you are on a guided tour that includes this you will NEED to have a reservation. Each reservation has a set time frame you are allowed to enter the park so be sure to plan your Hana day accordingly for your scheduled time. You will need to pay for parking when you arrive to the park’s entrance when you show your reservation for check in. Reservations book out very far in advance so if you are in the planning stages of your vacation do this one now to get the needed reservation : GET YOUR RESERVATION HERE .

There are SO MANY areas on Hana worth checking out but the above are a few of the best. There will be a number of farm stands + food trucks along the way where you can stop to support local so a friendly reminder to have cash on hand. Again when visiting Hana make sure to be respectful of the local community - there are highlighted areas on Facebook groups/Google suggesting areas like bamboo forest, red sand beach, and the Venus pools - these areas are on private land and dangerous. Please do not trespass or put yourselves in danger. There are so many gorgeous sights to see that are safe/legal when driving the Road to Hana.

Where can I see sea turtles in Maui ?

This is a very popular question that is asked and I totally understand why. Who wouldn’t want to see a beautiful sea turtle or two when here in Hawaii ? To be totally honest when you’re swimming at the beach you most likely will have some turtles hanging out around you. Though if you happen to not spot any or want to see some while remaining dry then Ho’okipa Beach in Paia is where you want to go. This is a beach here on island where turtles love to sun themselves on the sand. Please note to protect the wildlife the area the turtles mainly relax at is roped off, respect this. Also very important whether you have the exciting opportunity to see a turtle on dry land or the water do not invade their space and do not touch them. They are protected by the state and there is a hefty fine if caught or proven you did not respect this. Golden rule of treat others how you would like to be treated - you wouldn’t want some stranger bursting your personal bubble or poking you so please be kind to the turtles and give them space :)

Those are not shiny rocks but turtles relaxing on the beach.

ho'okipa beach turtle
ho'okipa beach lookout


Haleakala volcano

Looking a lot like Mars on Earth Haleakala National Park is a must do activity when venturing to Maui. Though not an active volcano it is the fastest climbing elevation standing tall at over 10,000+ ft above sea level. It is possible to drive to the very top of the submit but when you enter the park you will either need to pay an entry fee or present a national park pass. At the very top ( about a 30-45 minute drive once inside of the park ) there are restrooms, look out points, and a station where you can read about the volcano. The sand pictured above is a pretty amazing to sight to see with all of the different colors popping. There are trails to hike in this park but with it being such a high elevation it’s best to only go on them if you are a very well trained hiker. The best activity to do with the family is soak up Haleakala’s beauty and the fact you are on top of a volcano !

Haleakala Sunset

Haleakala tips

1. With such a high elevation it is cold up on top of the volcano so though you are coming to Hawaii pack a few warmer clothes if doing this adventure

2. You may watch sunrise AND sunset at the top of the summit . Sunrise is an early start ( enter the park at 3AM early ) and requires a reservation. Be sure to visit the park’s website well in advance of your trip to snag your reservation : Go Here

Sunset at this time does not require a reservation but it does mean you need to get into the park before the gate closes for entry. Sunset is becoming more popular but worth seeing !

3. Did you know you can have a photoshoot or wedding on Haleakala ? Pretty amazing ! If you’re interested in this just shoot me an email !

Where are the best snorkel spots in Maui ?

snorkeling in Maui

If you are visiting with teenagers or very water comfortable family members snorkeling should be on the list of things to do while here. You have the option to either book a snorkel boat tour OR swim out from the shore. To help I am going to go over some of the best boat companies to go on a tour with AND some of the best locations you can swim out to.

Lanai snorkel

If you are wanting to go out on a snorkel trip where you have a boat crew take you to some of the best areas around Maui or to our neighbor island Lanai you have the option to go out of Maalaea Harbor, Lahaina Harbor, or do a beach landing out of Kaanapali. There are so so many wonderful boat companies to go with but a few of my favorites are : Trilogy, Spirit with Pacific Whale Foundation, and my overall favorites the rafts such as Ultimate . Personally I find the rafts to be super fun if you are wanting to have more of an adventure and be closer to any spinner dolphins that decide to join you on the trip. Though if you have any one who may get sea sick easily going out on a catamaran with Trilogy or on Ocean Spirit with PWF is the way to go. This brings me to another topic when it comes to boats - whale watching in Maui. AMAZING ! If you are visiting during December - April ( peak season is Feb.-March) you should 10000% go out on a whale watch. If your crew can handle the water go out on a raft , I promise you will not be disappointed !

Jumping back into snorkeling if you go with a boat they have different trips that are geared towards different levels of comfort. If you are very novice to snorkeling I would recommend to go with Pacific Whale Foundation since they have pool noodles, floats, and lifeguards to help keep you feeling safe and stress free when out in the water.

Beach access snorkeling :

UPDATE of January 2024 - Due to a wildfire that occurred in August of 2023 to show respect it is advised to not snorkel or dive at the below location Mala for the present time.  Please refer to Maui county social media pages for updates of reopening. 

If this isn’t your first or second time in the water and you are very ocean confident these next two locations are geared towards you. Both of these areas are located on the West Side of Maui in Lahaina and past Kapalua. I want to point out the best time to snorkel in Maui is in the summer. Winter is when we have swells come in and instead of snow it is surfing season. We have days that are nice to snorkel in the winter but be aware of the ocean conditions. Though winter - summer always practice ocean safety. With Maui having trade winds it’s best to go out in the morning and be in by 11:30AM. Also check out the snorkel report every day after 8AM HI time which you can sign up to receive HERE OR view as a post on Instagram HERE . Also when going out please wear reef safe sunscreen. Big brands will advertise that they are reef safe but still have harmful chemicals in them so best to go with these brands . The amount of times I have been out and the visibility was awful due to the layers of sunscreen drifting in the water are too many to count. It’s heartbreaking since non reef safe sunscreens kills the reef which means no more beautiful snorkeling and goodbye to happy ocean wild life. Be an awesome person and either pack reef safe sunscreen or purchase some on island. Okay now that I have said that let’s get back to the fun snorkeling.

Mala ramp snorkling

Mala Ramp

Mala is a boat ramp in Lahaina, HI that collapsed. Part of the ramp remains where it’s common to see locals fishing on it but the main use of Mala now is snorkeling. The concrete has been claimed by the ocean now operating as a sea turtle cleaning station, reef shark hide out ( no need to be concerned they are more afraid of you than you are of them and like to hide away from people under the slabs), and fish sanctuary. Overall it makes for the perfect place to see many amazing sights all in one spot ( during whale season it’s not uncommon to have some whales passing by the area ). To access this area put Mala Boat Ramp in your GPS. There is still a boat loading/unloading area here so it will pop up. There is parking either along Front Street or in a dirt lot before the loading area. Once you park walk out towards the ramp and walk along the rock jetty as far out as you can go. Once you get there carefully get into the water then put your gear on. As soon as you enter the water you will see coral everywhere + fish but swim about 30-50 feet out to really see the fallen ramp. It’s pretty amazing so get ready to have the best time ! Just be aware of each other and where you are in regards to the pillars that show where boat traffic is ( very very visible to see ).

sea turtle mala hawaii
Honolua Bay

Honolua Bay

My favorite favorite favorite place on Maui to snorkel is Honolua Bay. This bay is a gem but a well known one for snorkeling and surf competitions in the winter season. The bay is located through a dreamy little tucked away jungle on the back road in West Maui. It is about a 8 minute drive from the Kapalua area so not far at all. Once you enter the area and see the trees cascading with vines on the left hand side of the road you are there. You can park along the shoulders but make sure to not be blocking the actual road so if too packed with no parking come back earlier another day. Once you do park walk into the jungle and out towards the ocean. This is private owned land and the uncle who owns it does live on it with his home next to the bay. He is very kind and will tell you a story or two if lucky but he does have rules that are posted to help keep you safe and to allow his home to be enjoyed so please be sure to read these rules and follow them.

Once you get to the bay it is not sandy but rocky. This is not a beach hang out spot this is a get in the water place. You can go to the left hand side or the right hand side once in the bay but the best snorkeling is off to the right though be sure to not go passed the cliffside out into the open sea. Honestly it is very easy to spend two hours out snorkeling here. There is SO MUCH to see ! TONS of fish, turtles, and eels. Never a dull moment when at this location.

Safety Tip : If it has rained do not go out. When there is heavy rain a mountain stream feeds into this bay which makes the water visibility horrible and unsafe.

South Side :

The beaches on the South Side of Maui can best be described as those you would envision if thinking of a postcard of Maui with how stunning they are. It is popular for many families to vacation in the Kihei area but if planning to go out into the water I would recommend driving 10 minutes up the road into Wailea. Here are a few of the best areas to check out for snorkeling on the South Side :

Maluaka Beach

Makena Bay ( parking at Makena landing park )

If you prefer to have a day playing on the sand/in the waves these are the best beaches for doing just that on the South Side :

Charlie Young Beach

Ulua Beach

Wailea Beach

Maluaka Beach

Palauea Beach

Polo Beach

Explorers ? Here are two stunning areas to check out on island :

If you have children who are go go go adventurers then maybe some mild hiking is right up the alley for what your family enjoys doing ! Maui has many gorgeous hiking trails but two of the best areas for a mellow hike or scenic adventure are La Perouse and Iao Valley.

Iao Valley

Iao Valley is a bit like stepping into a Jurassic park scene with tall lush green mountains towering over you. The drive to Iao is a fairly easy one with it being located in central Maui - It’s about a 30 minute drive from the airport to give some idea of how , “ middle of Maui “, it is located. Along with the stunning mountains is a river that flows down below. On a hot day this river with it’s pools is a fantastic place to pop on your bath suits and cool off at. There are some walking paths as well if you would like to go on a nature walk.

Upon reopening the park in 2023 a reservation system has been put into place in order to visit the upper section of the park which is the main attraction. Please refer to the county of Maui website to find out information on how to obtain a reservation. If you are a Hawaii State resident no reservation is needed just your state ID.

Though Maui does not have any active lava fields we do in fact have - lava fields. On the far South side of Maui past Makena area is a place called La Perouse Bay. This area is where you will find miles of dried up lava rock that flowed from the volcano out to the sea. There is a road that will take you to a parking area where you can hike and explore the bay. I wouldn’t recommend going swimming in this area due to currents and strong winds but being able to explore the tide pools or go for a hike the sights you can see are pretty amazing. The pathways are also home to some wild goats so while on your adventure you’ll have some furry companions hanging out alongside you. There are many different levels of hiking you can do here and with how exposed it is to the elements if you plan to go on a hike I would recommend reading more about La Perouse online. I would recommend to wear hiking shoes ( bring water shoes if you plan to check out the tide pools ), plenty of water/snacks, sunscreen/wear sun protecting clothing , and check the weather for any strong wind + rain before going.

Bites to eat :

While here in paradise please be sure to support local. The food here on island has been rated on networks as some of the best in the world ! Help support our local economy and experience all that Hawai’i has to offer with dishes you cannot find back home :)

West Side ( Lahaina - Kapalua ) :

Kihei Cafe ( Lahaina location )

Slappy Cakes Maui


Ulu’s Kitchen Kaanapali



South Side ( Kihei - Wailea ) :

Cinnamon Roll Place

Beach Street Shave Ice

Monkeypod Kitchen

La Catrina Maui

Oao Sushi Go

Hotel Wailea

Spago Four Seasons

Upcountry/Paia :

Kula Lodge

Uluapalakua Ranch Store & Grill ** one of our favorites for burgers as pictured above

Kula Bistro

Mama’s Fish House

Paia Fish Cafe

Paia Bay Coffee & Bar ( great laid back family setting )

Hopefully this post has helped with planning a few fun stops with your family during your time here on Maui. Though there is a lot to see make sure to take your time and truly enjoy being here in Hawaii. You do not want to get home from your vacation feeling like you need a vacation from being too go go go. If you need one more activity to add to your list if not already scheduled to get to know some of Maui’s beaches better and have a fun relaxed time schedule a photoshoot to capture some of the wonderful memories you will be making here ! Details of packages I offer can be found here .

Have the most amazing time here in Hawaii !

Gaylin Howbert